Instead, Credit Suisse shares rose 2 per cent as Mr Dougan calmly told analysts that a criminal conviction would have no material impact. 但相反,当杜德恒冷静地告诉分析师,刑事定罪不会产生实质性影响,瑞信股价应声上扬2%。
The agreement puts it at risk of a criminal conviction and potential loss of its crucial US banking licence if it commits another crime in that period. 根据这项协议,如果汇丰在那段时间内再有不法行为,它可能会面临刑事定罪,并有可能失去其关键的美国银行业牌照。
The criminal conviction is an apparent first against the group, which benefits from constitutional protections in the United States but does not enjoy that sanctuary elsewhere in the world. 这是第一次出现的针对该组织的形式定罪,该组织一直得益于美国宪法的保护之下,但并不是在世界的任何其他地方该组织都会享有庇护。
You will also need to declare that you and your family have not had access to public funds and have not received a criminal conviction. 你另外需要声明你和你的家庭没使用公共的资金,并且没有犯罪记录。
A Hong Kong court has handed down the territory's first criminal conviction for insider dealing just months after the market regulator launched a crackdown. 香港市场监管机构发起打击内幕交易行动短短几个月后,一家法院即宣布了香港的首例内幕交易刑事罪成立。
Employees should be aware that certain actions and omissions prohibited by the Code might be crimes that could lead to individual criminal prosecution and, upon conviction, to fines and imprisonment. 员工应认识到,违反本准则的某种行为或过失可能构成,导致个人的刑事指控并被判处罚金或监禁。
A new row is over Thailand's former prime minister, Thaksin Shinawatra, who lives in exile and is wanted at home on a criminal conviction. 泰国前总统他信•西瓦那(引发了)新一轮争论,他流亡异乡,在泰国被以刑事罪通缉。
In 2006, there was the criminal conviction of Tom Coughlin, former vice-chairman, for embezzlement, and the closure of operations in Germany and South Korea. 2006年,沃尔玛原副董事长汤姆库格林(tomcoughlin)因挪用公司资金遭到刑事指控,沃尔玛还关闭了德国和韩国的业务。
Few companies choose to contest DOJ investigations, since a court battle and criminal conviction can put them out of business. 很少有公司选择对抗美国司法部的调查,因为法庭交锋和刑事定罪可能让它们停业。
The article lastly discusses how to make a choice in a dilemma in the face of the value conflict in judicatory practice through criminal judicatory procedure, conviction and measurement of penalty, penal execution and so on. 并结合司法实践,从刑事司法程序、定罪量刑和刑罚的执行等几个方面来论述当面对刑法价值的冲突时如何做出两难的选择。
This paper not only support the proposed character Otsuka Ren behavior theory, personality theory of liability, but also to promote the personality theory of criminal law to the conviction phase, a guilty or not an important factor. 文中不仅支持大冢仁提出的人格行为论、人格责任论,更是将人格刑法理论推进至定罪阶段,成为认定犯罪与否的重要因素之一。
The judicial interpretation of criminal law is applicable to the prior to the effective date of the case, the procuratorial organs and the judicial organs to handle criminal cases, conviction and sentencing has significant legal significance. 刑事司法解释是否适用于其生效前的案件,对检察机关和审判机关处理刑事案件、定罪量刑有重大的司法现实指导意义。
The status of criminal is specific Individual elements by Criminal law which impacting Conviction and sentencing. 刑法中的身份,是指刑法规定的,影响犯罪主体定罪量刑的特定的个人要素。
There are two tasks in criminal proceedings: one is conviction, the other is sentencing. 刑事诉讼所要解决的两大基本问题一是定罪,二是量刑。
Implementation of the criminal justice rely on conviction and sentencing, sentencing means that criminal penalties are serious and relate to civil rights, social stability and justice. 刑事司法公正的实现倚重于定罪与量刑,而量刑作为刑罚裁量之义又是关系到公民权利、社会安定、司法正义的重要题中之义。
At present in the criminal justice process, the conviction and sentence are combined. 目前我国刑事司法程序中,定罪和量刑是合二为一的。
This paper makes an analysis of object of study and division of inward branches of criminal law, puts forward some new conviction ideas, and analyses the conviction procedure at the foundation of the viewpoint of making a relative distinction between facts and norms. 本文对刑法学的研究对象和内部学科划分进行了分析,提出了一些新的定罪理念,立于事实与规范相对区分的观点,对定罪的过程进行剖析。
The quality of criminal trials is measured not only by conviction correctness, but also by sentence property. 衡量刑事审判工作质量的好坏,不仅考察定罪是否正确,还要考察量刑是否适当。
According to the former discussion, it reflects a lot of problems about the leaking stoppage provision which exist in practice. So it puts forward the modification recommendation about national regulation, criminal object, criminal amount and conviction and sentencing. 上述讨论中发现堵漏条款在适用中存在的问题,故从国家规定、犯罪客体、犯罪数额和情节严重四个方面提出了修改建议。
Whether the perpetrator has subjective knowledge, not only directly affects the establishment of criminal intention, but also makes a significant impact on the system of the criminal constitution in criminal law theory and conviction and sentencing in the judicial practice. 行为人主观上是否明知,不仅直接影响到犯罪故意能否成立,还会对刑法理论中犯罪构成体系的建立以及司法实践中的定罪量刑产生重大影响。
In the Chinese criminal law context for the interpretation of the robbery, the crime of elements of the object has a very important role, embodies the principles of the criminal conviction of the object-oriented role, can solve some problems in the judicial practice. 在中国刑法语境下,对于抢劫罪的解释而言,该罪的客体要件具有非常重要的地位,能够很好地体现犯罪客体的定罪导向作用,可以解决一些司法实务中的问题。
The classification standards of crimes have impact on the establishment of the system of Specific Provisions of Criminal Law, conviction and discretion of punishment, and criminal charges. 犯罪的分类标准问题影响到刑法分则体系的建立、定罪量刑和罪名的确立。
It is stated in this thesis that extradition is a national and sovereign act. The requesting state and requested state should be proceeding subjects. And the criminal who received prosecution and conviction is the proceeding object. 文中认为引渡既然为主权行为、国家行为,那么其程序主体应当明确为请求国和被请求国,客体则必须是将受刑事追诉或受判决定罪的人。
The principle of prohibition against double jeopardy is a fundamental principle in criminal proceedings in the modern legal country, and intends to emphasize that every person do not suffer two criminal prosecution 、 trial 、 conviction or the pain of sentence because of the identical criminality. 禁止双重危险原则是现代法治国家刑事诉讼中的一项基本原则,意在强调任何人均不得因为同一犯罪行为而遭受司法机关两次以上的刑事追诉、审判、定罪或者科刑之苦。
This part the author mainly from the perfect amount of grade and the amount standard pattern of these two aspects of the legislation and put forward some suggestions, finally the unified judicial interpretations on unit crime and individual criminal conviction standard reflection. 这部分笔者主要从数额等级的完善以及数额标准的规定模式这两个方面对立法提出一些建议,最后对于单位犯罪与个人犯罪定罪标准的统一问题进行反思。
This article puts forward some suggestions for Chinese legislation from the perspective of the criminal conviction and sentencing. 文章分别从美国刑事定罪、量刑角度与中国立法相比较,提出了部分修改建议。
At the meanwhile, the knowledge of social risk, as the establishment element of criminal intent, not only affects the conviction, should have a certain effect on sentencing as well. 同时,作为犯罪故意成立要件的社会危害性认识,不仅影响定罪,同时对量刑也有一定的影响作用。
Furthermore, this article also reasons the dialectical relationship between them from macro-perspective, the emphases on them should be different from various stages in criminal conviction activities. 进而指出二者在宏观层面上是辩证统一的关系、在刑事活动不同阶段应该各有侧重。
However, criminal amount has a special status on the criminal conviction and sentencing on the criminal. 但是,鉴于犯罪数额在定罪量刑上具有特殊的地位,对犯罪数额问题研究是非常必要的。
Conviction and sentencing are the two major tasks of the criminal proceedings. And the accurate conviction and proper sentencing is to measure whether the criminal trial work is justice or not. 刑事诉讼活动主要由定罪与量刑两部分构成,刑事审判的公正是通过定罪准确与合理量刑来衡量的。